A nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail

The shiny new nail, so proud to stand so erect next to the old, tired, bent nails lined against the wall not knowing the terrible path her existence will lead her down awaiting the trials to come. Life seeming so simple and pure, that no harm will come to those who do right by others. The innocence of childhood spilling over into the dark depths of adolescents creating a false awareness of the surroundings; this nail, so innocent, only desires to belong. The pressures of society were nothing to her, nothing that would stop her from standing strong and sticking true to her identity.
Identity? Nail – do you really know who you are?
Little did she know the lines of her identity would blur into something not even she would enjoy.
Floating through the path of adolescents, trying to remain erect only failing miserably because of the weight being held is far too heavy for any nail to successfully hold. The nail facing peer pressure daily and trying to fit in without losing her original identity while transforming into something acceptable.
Slowly bending under the pressure of the people using and abusing her, taking full advantage of her helpful features. Never once thanking her for always being there when needed the most.
Constantly being neglected, no one is caring about her slow and eminent deterioration. The only care people have is that anything they hang upon the nail is still hanging upon their return.
But, one day the weight of things too heavy for any nail will bring doom to the nail and make it unusable and undesirable to anyone.

Published in: on April 13, 2011 at 11:12 pm  Leave a Comment  
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